
Your one-stop place to find schools, hire tutors and buy school items.

Top Ranked Schools near YOU!

Our team has verified and handpicked these schools just for you.

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Get everything you need for school - backpacks, lunchboxes, books, shoes, school furniture and more . . . at UNBEATABLE PRICES!

SKOOBOSS . . . Skill-Up, Boss-Up and Cash-In!

SkooBoss, the most comprehensive database for schools, tutors and school items in Africa! Connect with top schools, find the perfect tutors, and explore a marketplace for educational products and services. With SkooBoss, you can explore a wide range of schools, from traditional institutions/training centers to innovative online coaching classes and programs. Unlock your full potential with SkooBoss!


Search for schools

Parents can easily find and compare the best schools for their children based on various criteria, such as location, curriculum, facilities, fees and more.

Buy school items

Buy affordable school items such as  textbooks, stationery, school furniture, online courses, sports equipments and more from our one-stop shop.

Hire tutors or staff

Right here at Skooboss, you can find qualified teachers for your school, private home tutors, experienced school administrators and skill professionals without stress and off course free of charge..


List your school

showcase your school, institution, tutorial/training center to a wider audience and attract new students. It’s simple and free to register! 

Sell school items

Have educational materials, school uniforms, or other school-related items to sell? Post them on SkooBoss and reach a wider audience and get massive patronage.

Get job offers

Are you a teacher, private tutor or skilled person? Create a profile showcasing your skills and experience; and get job offers from top schools and private individuals looking for talent like you.